Second Workshop



Following the successful workshop on Mars held in Budapest in 2012, at the initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA) and made possible by the Hungarian Space Office, the International Cartographic Association, the Karoly Nagy Astronomical Foundation and Carl Zeiss Technika Kft., the participants decided that such meetings should be continued, with a similar format and a suggested periodicity of two years. It was agreed that the next meeting would be held in Poland.

Time has flown, and the Second Workshop on Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe (MPSE 2014) is now scheduled  for June 3–5, 2014, at the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Like in Budapest, time will be shared between invited science overview presentations, and shorter presentations in every field connected to Mars science research. One of the reasons for the success of the Budapest workshop was that the objective of having scientists (including a fair amount of students) from Eastern and Western Europe discussing in the same room, together and with prominent ESA Mars scientists, was fully met. In Warsaw we will try to renew this fruitful experience.

New this year, technology enters the conference through the visit of the instrumentation laboratories at the Polish Space Research Centre,  where robotic and remote sensing payloads and space systems have been developed for missions such as Herschel, Mars Express, Venus Express, Cassini-Huygens, and Rosetta and where development of new, innovative payloads is in progress. Demonstrations of Martian platform prototypes are also expected.

Moreover, a geological excursion to the Morasko Meteorite Nature Reserve is scheduled the day after the workshop ends; and for those who have enough of science and technology after these three intense days, a cultural discovery of Warsaw will be proposed instead.

Look now at the Second Announcement for more information. The organising committee will be pleased to welcome you in Warsaw in June!


This event is being made possible through generous contributions of 4 sponsors: European Space Agency, the Polish Space Research Centre and the Institute of Geological Sciences, both of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Astri Polska.



  • 17 December 2013: First announcement online
  • 15 February 2014: Second circular online; modification of the forthcoming deadlines
  • 18 February 2014: Minor changes in the preliminary agenda given in the First Announcement, and the succession of invited lectures in the Programme section.
  • 25 March 2014: Clarification of conference topics in second announcement in order to include any contributed presentations in the planetary sciences field.
  • 12 April 2014: deadlines for abstract submission, presentation acceptance, and agenda posting postponed by one week.
  • 10 September 2014: Conference books online.
  • 31 October 2014: Presentations online.














    The Second Mars Workshop "Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe" will be held in Warsaw in June 3-5, 2014. Like in Budapest in 2012, the morning lectures will consist of reviews on Mars science topics and missions. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to shorter oral contributions (15-20 minutes including questions) in any fields of Mars Science, including, but not limited to:

    • Mars geology, geophysics and geochemistry: cratering, hydrology, geodynamics, geomorphology, sedimentology, tectonics, volcanism
    • Mars atmosphere, climate, weather
    • Mars astrobiology
    • Mars glaciology
    • Martian meteorites
    • Mars in the context of solar system evolution
    • Comparative approaches: Mars-Earth, terrestrial planets
    • Phobos and Deimos
    • Exploration of Mars and its moons
    • Sensors and new technologies for planetary exploration
    • Other planetary topics.

    Like for the MPSE 2012 workshop, the invited lectures will be related to Mars, but presentations on other planetary topics will be considered.

    The abstracts will be posted online and will be printed as an ESA publication. Check the deadlines for submission in the dedicated menu.




    June 3

    June 4

    June 5

    June 6




    8:15 – 9:00

    On-site registration, coffee and welcome address


    Whole-day optional excursions:


    Morasko Meteorite Reserve


    Discovering Warsaw

    9:00 – 11:00

    Overview lectures

    11:00 – 11:30

    Coffee break and poster session

    11:30 – 12:30

    Overview lectures

    12:30 – 13h30

    Lunch break and robot demonstrations

    13:30 – 15:30

    Afternoon sessions, 1

    15:30 – 16:00

    Coffee break and poster session

    16:00 – 18:00

    Afternoon sessions, 2

    Social events

    Welcome Drink

    Conference Dinner



    The workshop will give the opportunity to visit the Centre's  space instrumentation  development laboratories. Time will also be made available for the demonstration of Mars exploration platform prototypes.



    The workshop will be followed by two optional 1-day excursions on June 6:

    • Excursion to the Morasko Meteorite Reserve (near Poznań)
    • Discovering Warsaw



    Both oral presentations and posters will be welcome. The authors will be requested to indicate their preference, oral or poster, and the organisation committee will do its best to satisfy these notifications.



    There are no fees for participation to the workshop, including the sessions, coffee breaks, lunch, the visit of the CBK laboratories, and the Tuesday Icebreaker Drink. A participation of 10-15 EUR may be requested for the Thursday Dinner, depending on the number of participants. The exact amount will be given in the second announcement, and will be paid at the conference.

    The cost of the post-conference excursion to the Morasko Meteorite Reserve (anticipated to be within the range 30-50 EUR) will be given in the second announcement. The post-conference excursion in Warsaw is free (registration will be needed though).



    The number of participant is limited by the size of the conference room, which can host not more than 110 participants. The number of participants to the two optional excursions will also be restricted.


    In order to help in workshop planning, the interested researchers are kindly requested to email the organisers a preliminary indication of interest before January 31, 2014.

    - Email address:
    - Email subject: MPSE 2014 – Indication of Interest
    - Email body:

    • Name of the interested participant(s)
    • Interested in participating to the Morasko field excursion: yes or no
    • Interested in the Discovery of Warsaw excursion: yes or no

    (remember that participation to the Morasko and Warsaw excursions is mutually exclusive)

    Registration and abstract submission will be possible after January 31st; however, due the limited number of seats (110), those having indicated their interest prior to this date will have priority.




    Registration to MPSE 2014 is now open!


    Abstract submission and registration

    The deadline for registration and abstract submission is April 20th. All the details are provided in the Registration and abstract submission menu. Both oral and poster presentations are possible; however, if too many oral presentation are requested, some authors may be requested to transform their talk to a poster. Maximum poster dimensions are 100 cm in width and 130 cm in height.


    Like in 2012, mornings will be devoted to invited review lectures on hot Martian topics, both for students and researchers. The Programme menu lists some of the speakers and lectures. The afternoon sessions will include oral contributed presentations of duration 15 min + 5 minutes for questions.

    The posters will be displayed from the first to the last day not far from the conference room, the coffee room, and the lunch area, so that discussions around the posters will be possible during all the 30-min long coffee breaks and during the lunch breaks.

    Like in 2012, although the invited lectures are devoted to Mars, but contributed presentations in other areas of planetary sciences are welcome.

    Visits of laboratories and robot demonstrations

    Time will be reserved for a visit to the Robotics and Mechatronics and the Remote Sensing laboratories of the Space Research Centre PAN in small groups, where a number of instruments for space missions have been designed and built; registration will be on site.

    Demonstrations of various rovers, including Magma, are planned too.

    Social events

    The Welcome Drink (see the agenda in the first announcement) will be at the Space Research Centre.

    The Thursday Conference Dinner will be in a good restaurant. It is optional, and a participation of 10 euros or 42 złoty is requested. Payment in euros is to be made before May 11th by money transfer; in złoty it can be alternatively made cash the first day of the conference, during the on-site registration. See the Registration and abstract submission page for details.

    Post-conference excursions

    Details of the 'Morasko Meteorite Nature Reserve' and 'Discovery of Warsaw' excursions are now available. See the Post-conference excursions page. Don't forget to register for these excursions before May 11th!


    There are no hotels close to the Space Research Centre; however there are many hotels at a short bus distance. See the Venue page for the different ways to get to the Space Research Centre. We advise the participants to book their accommodation as soon as possible, many conferences and congresses organized in Warsaw will take place in June.

    A selection of nearby hotels and hostels at cheap to moderate price (1 złoty equals ~ 0.24 euro):

    Oki-Doki hostel: ~100 PLN/night/person (private bathroom)

    Tapir hostel: ~100 PLN (shared bathroom)

    Adventura hostel: ~100 PLN (private bathroom)

    Globetrotter hostel: 65 PLN

    Mazowiecki Hotel: starting at 130 PLN

    Castle Inn by Oki Doki: ~150 PLN

    Training and Conference Centre (Centrum Szkoleniowo-Konferencyjne): starting at 150 PLN

    A little more expensive:

    Łazienkowski Hotel: starting at 230 PLN

    Belwederski Hotel: starting at 230 PLN


    See MPSE 2014 accommodation on a bigger map. You may also download the Google Earth file.


    Even more expensive hotels are easily found using your favourite web browser.





    Participants need to register for the conference before April 20th, 2014. The abstracts are due the same date. The participants to the excursions need to register separately, before May 11th.


    Conference registration

    There are no conference fees, but the participants are kindly requested to register before April 13th. Please return the conference registration form.


    Abstract submission

    Abstract length is one A4 page. Use this abstract submission template in MS Word format, and return it by email together with your conference registration to the email address indicated in the conference registration form.

    High-quality figures are welcome within the abstract, as they will attract the reader's attention more efficiently than a full text page would. Please try not to exceed 1 or 2 Mb per abstract.

    The abstracts will be posted  online, as well as published as an ESA Conference Abstract Book.

    The maximum number of presentations that a first author may submit is two.


    Conference dinner and excursion registration


Please fill in the Conference dinner and excursion registration form and return it before May 11th.





    January 31, 2014
    Deadline for indication of interest
    February 15, 2014
    Second announcement
    April 20, 2014
    Deadline for workshop registration and abstract submission
    April 30, 2014
    Notification of abstract acceptance and format of presentations (oral/poster)
    May 5, 2014
    Posting of final agenda and conference programme
    May 11, 2014
    Deadline for optional excursion registration. For the Morasko excursion, payment of the excursion fee. Deadline for registration to the optional Thursday Dinner
    June 3-5, 2014
    Workshop. On site registration for CBK lab visits
    June 6, 2014
    Optional excursions






    The workshop will be held at the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (SRC PAS, Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN in Polish), located in Warsaw, west of the Vistula river. The address is Ulica Bartycka 18A.

    Directions are given here. The buses 108 and 167 stop in front of the CBK gate. More information will be posted later.


    Display Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN on a larger map




Remember that registration to both excursions is required before May 11th.


Excursion 1

Morasko meteorite nature reserve

Andrzej Muszyński, Wojciech Stankowski, Witold Szczuciński

Institute of Geology, Adam Miczkiewicz University


Morasko is the site of the largest iron meteorite shower in Central Europe, now protected as a nature reserve. The meteorite and the site are a subject of an intense research effort. The biggest fragments can be seen at the Institute of Geology of Adam Miczkiewicz University (UAM) in Poznań.

08:00 Bus transportation from Warsaw to Poznań

12:00 Arrival at the Institute of Geology of Adam Miczkiewicz University

12:00 -13:00 Morasko meteorite presentation

13:13 - 14:15 Lunch

14:30 - 16:30 Visite of the Morasko meteorite reserve

16: 30 - 20:30 Travel back to Warsaw

The cost of this excursion is 29 euros or 120 PLN/person. Look at the Registration and abstract submission page for payment instructions. This cost covers bus transportation, lunch, and a guidebook (entrance to the meteorite reserve is free)


Excursion 2

Discovery of Warsaw

Anna Łosiak

Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Research Centre in Wrocław


We will start at the Zamkowy Square at 9.00 am, go around the Old Town, follow Krakowskie Przedmieście/Nowy Świat/Chmielna to Pałac Kultury i Nauki, see Konstytucji Square and end up in Łazienki Park.

The entire route is ~12 km. We will not be going to any museums but we will get to the viewing point at the Pałac Kultury i Nauki. People can join or leave the trip when they want (they will be given my phone so they can contact me).

If the weather is fine, no bus tickets are required. People will need 18 PLN for the ticket to the viewing platform, and money for food (expect ~10 PLN for coffee, 10 PLN for cake, 20-25 PLN for lunch). Lunch will be in the Bambino Bar Mleczny around 13-14, coffee breaks at the Krakowskie Przedmieście and Łazienki Park.

If it will be raining plan will be modified accordingly (probably we will go around the Old Town, take a bus to the Warsaw Uprising Museum and end up in Pałac Kultury i Nauki). In this case a daily bus pass will be required (15 PLN), money for viewing point (18 PLN) and uprising museum (14 PLN) as well as for food (expect ~10 PLN for coffee, 10 PLN for cake, 20-25 PLN for lunch).

Please let the tour leader know if anyone has any special needs (e.g., vegetarian or has problems with walking).

Download a description of this sightseing tour!





    Scientific committee

Daniel Mège –  Chairman (

ING PAN, Wrocław (WROONA Research Group)

Agustin Chicarro – Associate chairman (
European Space Agency/ESTEC, Noordwijk

Jurek Grygorczuk – Associate Chairman (
CBK PAN, Warsaw

Joanna Gurgurewicz – Associate chairman (
ING PAN, Wrocław (WROONA Research Group) and CBK PAN, Warsaw

Hans Rickman – Associate chairman (
CBK PAN, Warsaw

Olivier Witasse– Associate chairman (
European Space Agency/ESTEC, Noordwijk

Local organisation committee

Agata Białek (
CBK PAN, Warsaw

Anna Łosiak (
ING PAN, Wrocław

Karol Seweryn (
CBK PAN, Warsaw


    Morasko Meteorite Reserve: Andrzej Muszyński ( Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

    Discovering Warsaw:  Anna Łosiak ( ING PAN, Wrocław