Joanna Gurgurewicz

Research topics

Planetary geology, mineralogy, structural geology


Joanna Gurgurewicz received M.S. degree in geology (spec. mineralogy and petrology) from the University of Wroclaw, Poland, in 2002. From 2003 to 2008 she was a Ph.D. student at Space Research Centre PAS, Warsaw, Poland. She obtained Ph.D. degree in Earth Sciences from the Institute of Geological Sciences PAS, Warsaw, Poland, in 2008.

She is an assistant professor at Institute of Geological Sciences PAS and Space Research Centre PAS since 2008. In 2005-2007 and 2008-2011 she was the PI of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education projects devoted to Mars Express data and terrestrial analogues analyses. In 2009 she was a postdoc at Planetology and Geodynamics Laboratory at University of Nantes, France. In 2010-2011 she was participating in CHOMIK project for Russian Phobos-Grunt mission. Since 2010 she works in Wroclaw Research Center of the Institute of Geological Sciences PAS, currently as the Deputy PI of the Foundation for Polish Science WROONA project. Since 2003 her research focuses on the mineralogical and structural analysis of Martian surface using remote sensing data. She is also interested in mineralogy of other bodies of the Solar System (Phobos, Mercury). Part of her work is devoted to terrestrial analogues (Siberia, Mongolia, Ethiopia) of Martian basalts and understanding their paleoenvironments.

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