Luigi Castaldo

Research topics

Radar processing and simulation, surface and shallow subsurface composition of Mars


Buried CO2 Ice traces in South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars detected by SHARAD using fractal modelling of the suveyed geometry. From our result, there is possibly CO2 ice buried in the first 8 m below the sursface in the area overlapping the Hesperian and Amazonian polar units (presented at the 2014 AGU Meeting).


The research topic for which I am interested in is the mathematical modelling of different aspect of electromagnetic fields paying particular attention to the radar. The main objective of my work includes development of simulation models for analyzing the performance of the radar, the analysis and development of mathematical models to understand the composition of the materials in a scenario. In general my research is founded on developing new mathematical methods to model scenario as much as can be near the reality.

Currently my projects in this area include the analysis of data from the instrument SHARAD, Shallow Radar, the radar mounted on board the Italian mission, MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) NASA, with particular reference to implementation of algorithms for discernment of the scientific data. These studies have recently led to a modeling of the Martian surface in some areas of considerable interest to physical and abiotic characteristics. I also carried out a research project on the calibration of radar data in a way that is transparent to the scientist collecting data and processing, in this way the scientist will be able to extract geophysical parameters from backscattering measurements using multi-teporal observations over large areas.

I recently developed a collaborative filter to decrease the speckle in SAR images:


Castaldo L., Mège D., Orosei R., Alberti G., Gurgurewicz J., 2014. SHARAD data mapping for surface composition detection, MPSE 2014,Poland, Warsaw

Castaldo L., Mège D., Orosei R., Alberti G., Gurgurewicz J., 2014.
SHARAD data mapping for surface ice detection, MPSE 2014, Poland, Warsaw

Castaldo L., Mège D., Orosei R., Alberti G., Gurgurewicz J., 2014. Ice Detection over Martian Surface Using Sharad Data, Eighth International Conference on Mars, USA, California, Pasadena

Castaldo L., 2013. SHARAD data mapping over Martian Surface for Ice detection, 2nd Planetary Cryosphere Workshop 2014

L. Castaldo, G. Alberti, G. Cirillo, R. Orosei, 2013. Scientific Calibration of Sharad Data over Martian Surface", SIGNAL PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM 2013 - JACHRANKA - Poland, 978-1-4673-6319-8/13/S31.00 IEEE.

Gromek A., Castaldo L., 2013. Collaborative filtering technique for SAR image speckle noise suppression, SIGNAL PROCESSING SYMPOSIUM 2013 - JACHRANKA - Poland, 978-1-4673-6319-8/13/S31.00 IEEE.

Castaldo L., Séjourné A., Orosei R., 2015. SHARAD detection model of buried CO2 ice in Mars South Polar Layered Deposit, 3rd Planetary Cryosphere Workshop 2015

PhD Thesis

Castaldo L., 2013. SHARAD Data Inversion and Calibration over Mars, 2013. PHD Thesis in Electronic Engineering at Second University of Naples and Consortium of Research on Advanced Remote Sensing Systems

Research competences

Surface and subsurface modeling of radar backscattering

Calibration of SHARAD data

Design development and implementation in Matlab of tools for scientific data analysis

Development of algorithms for SAR Processing and Post Processing

SAR and InSAR Imaging

Development of models for Range Filtering

Development of Polarimetric Sar Intherferometric and analysis tools

Development of Phase Unwrapping Algorithms

Development of tools for the removal of the Flat Earth

Study of models for estimating forest biomass

Study of models for geological parameters estimates


Research scientist at Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences 12/2013 to 06/2015

Research scientist at Co.Ri.STA, viale Kennedy, Napoli; from 09/2009 to 11/2013

Member of the SHARAD-MARSIS Scientific Team 2009 to now

Visiting Researcher Warsaw University of Technology research group on radar detection and Signal processing held from Professor Krzysztof Kulpa from 10/2013 to 09/2014

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