Research topics and methods of the WROONA Group

The group investigates the geology of Mars and the Earth:

- New geologic mapping of Valles Marineris on Mars, at CTX image scale

- Detailed quantitative study and numerical modelling of deep-seated gravitational spreading on Mars and Earth (with examples in the High Tatras mountains of Poland and Slovakia, and the Low Tatras in Slovakia)

- Landslide propagation: processes at the interface between bedrock and the sliding mass

- Basalt alteration in various environmental conditions: inferences from atomic force microscopy

- Periglacial geomorphology of the Martian northern lowlands and Siberia

- Martian and solar system ices

- Plume and extensional tectonics on Earth and Mars

We use a variety of methods, including Atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Mössbauer microscopy, petrology,  geomorphology and geomorphometry, GIS, finite element modelling, structural geology., granular physics modelling, orbital radar data processing and analysis, and modelling of thermal inertia data of Mars.
For these topics we have been collaborating with AIM Laboratory, Paris, France; AngströmLab, Univ. Uppsala, Sweden; Astronika Sp. z o. o., Warsaw, Poland; CO.RI.S.T.A., Napoli, Italy; Department of Geography, Dawson University, Montreal, Canada; Geosciences Montpellier, France; Geosciences Paris-Sud, Orsay, France;  IFFSTAR, Bouguenais, France; Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France; Institute of Experimental Physics, Univ. Wrocław, Poland; Institute of Geography and Environmental Management, Univ. Wrocław, Poland; Institute of Geological Sciences, Univ. Wrocław, Poland; Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Bologna, Italy; Keck Laboratory for Space and Planetary Sciences,Fayetteville, Arkansas; LPG, Univ. Nantes, France; Centre for Earht, Planetary, Space and Astronomical Research, Open Universiy, Milton Keynes, UK; Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk, Russia; Planetology and Astrophysics Isntitute, Joseph-Fourier Univ., Grenoble, France; Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; Wrocław Centre for Networking and Supercomputing, Wrocław Univ. of Technology, Poland.

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