First International Martian Cryosphere Workshop (or Wrocshop)
NEW! Homepage of the 3rd workshop (which has since become the Planetary Cryosphere Workshop)!
The investigation of the Martian cryosphere requires the involvement of various research fields including climatology, geomorphology, glaciology, spectroscopy. All these studies can be supported by the comparison with terrestrial analogs.
The objective of this meeting, held in Wrocław with support from FNP and PAN, was to discuss this subject in an interdisciplinary perspective and to initiate collaborations between European researchers working in these various fields. The Martian Cryosphere Wrocshop took place during three days in Wrocław (Poland) from 15th to 18th, January 2013. It ended up with the birth of an international project aiming at geomorphologicla mapping of the Martian northern Plain, following a propostion from Matt Balme (Open University). In this worrkshop was also held the first scientific meeting to determine objectives and identify instruments for a hopper-based Mars mission project (see the Hopter menu above).
Most oral presentations are available online.
List of presentations available to public download
- The origin and evolution of water ice mounds in craters around Mars’ north polar cap (Susan Conway, Open University)
- Mars cryosphere research at Open University (Matthew R. Balme, Open University)
- The latitudinal distribution of putative periglacial sites on the northern martian plains (Alex Barrett, Open University)
- Towards climate reconstruction on recent Mars: Insights from terrestrial analogues (Ernst Hauber, DLR)
- Spatial analysis of terrestrial patterned ground in mid- and high latitudes (Thierry Feuillet)
- Mars cryosphere variations as simulated by Global Climate models (François Forget, LMD Paris) (you may need to download this movie too)
- LIDAR and landslide detection, Stołowe Mountains, SW Poland (Piotr Migoń, University Wrocław)
- Are Sinuous Ridges in the equatorial Rahway Vallis region of Mars fluvioglacial in origin? (Jason Ramsdale, Open University)
- Evidence of equatorial glaciations in Valles Marineris (Daniel Mège, ING PAN)
List of presentations available to workshop participant download
- Antarctica as a Mars analogue: evaporites on ice and meteorites (Anna Łosiak, University of Vienna)
- Mineralogy of the Martian North Polar Cap (Marion Massé, ING PAN)
- Experimental study of Martian seasonal condensates (Florence Grisolle, IPAG)
- Action of sublimation in the formation of spiral-shaped ice megadunes on the martian polar caps (Clémence Herny, LPGNantes) (you will need these movies too)
- Atmospheric mesoscale modeling of interest for studying the Martian cryosphere (Aymeric Spiga, LMD)
- Origin of RSL on Mars (Konrad Kossacki, University Warsaw)
- Laboratory simulation of gullies in a periglacial environment (Julien Gargani, IDES) (you will need these movies too)
- Investigation of proposed periglacial and coastal landforms in Gale Crater, Mars (Laetitia Le Deit, DLR)
- The Schumann resonance as a tool for studying the subsurface of Mars (Joanna Kozakiewicz, Jagiellonian University)
- Analysis of ice related structures and process in the Hourglass crater on Mars (Csilla Orgel, Akos Kereszturi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
- Geomorphological and mineralogical markers of past glacial landsystems on Mars (Olivier Bourgeois, LPG Nantes)
- A hidden ice cap in Isidis Planitia (Stéphane Pochat, LPG Nantes)
- Possible candidates for tunnel valleys at mid- to low latitudes on Mars. (Mars) (Marine Gourronc, LPG Nantes)
- Gravitational spreading in Valles Marineris: comparison with gravitational spreading in the Tatra Mountains (Olga Kromuszczyńska, ING PAN) (you may need to download this movie too)