Spectral signature of Martian basalts: a study of terrestrial basalt
alteration in extreme climatic settings: the Ogaden and Baikal
The question is whether the infrared spectra of altered basalts on Mars
obtained by the Mars Express/OMEGA and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter/CRISM
instruments can inform on the past climatic conditions of Mars.
Field work was carried out in the Udokan volcanic field, Lake Baikal
(Russia), and the Ogaden volcanics, Ethiopia, in 2008. Representative
samples have been studied using IR spectrometry to compare with Martian
spectra. Every rock sample has been measured 4 times: the surface of the
bulk rock, the fresh, internal part of the bulk rock, a powder ofthe rock
surface, and a powder of its internal part. X-ray diffractometry, electron
microscopy, and Raman spectrometry were also investigated on these samples
in order to understand what the IR spectral signature means, and determine
whether or not it can inform on the past weathering conditions. The results
will be published soon, come back here later to see a summary!
This work has been carried out with Joanna Gurgurewicz with the help
of LPGNnates members Véronique Carrère, Anne Gaudin, and
Yann Morizet. |