
Daniel MEGE
MC HDR at LPG Nantes until 30 August, 2019
Institute Professor, SRC PAS since October 2018

Solar system Dynamics and Planetology Group
Space Research Centre
Polish Academy of Sciences
Bartycka 18A, 00-716 Warsaw, Poland

Physical address:
Space Research Centre PAS
Kopernika 11
51-622 Wroclaw, Poland

E-mail: dmege(at) cbk. waw. pl


A cutting-edge hopping locomotion system for low and ultra-low planetary bodies, funded by ESA for 2 years and started in March 2019. Astronika is the main contractant and will bring the project to a prototype of TRL4. Information (latest updated in 2016) is here and here, and potential geological uses were published in Acta Astronautica. Within the framework of this project, Galago will be developed for lunar applications.

EXOMHYDR: Magmatic plumbing systems and tectonic control of hydrothermal activity on Mars revealed by ExoMars/TGO: constraints for life and resources. A new TEAM project from FNP dedicated to tectonic and magmatic processes related to past and current hydrothermal activity on Mars , in relation with the ExoMars TGO mission of ESA/Roscosmos.

V-MACS: Novel views of the Martian giant canyon system (2016-2020) funded by the OPUS programme of NCN (web page currenty off)

Dallol Yellow Lake Fissure project (2018-2019), funded by the TA1 activity of Europlanet 2020 RI. No web page yet, but two presentations presenting preliminary results in structural and temporal fissure characterisation (EPSC 2018 abstract and presentation) and magnetic signal of fissures, dykes, and diapirs in the Danakil depression (preliminary report). The project is conducted in partnership with the Yara Dallol B.V. Potash Project.

Cenozoic volcanism of the Somalia Plate (since 2008): a huge project carried out with Peter Purcell and colleagues that does not have its web page yet, check the reference list and some (old) information elsewhere on this site.

Magmatic plumbing system of the Ethiopian large igneous province, which started in 2004 with CNRS/INSU funding and just came to a (temporary) end (2018), with late results published as part of a larger project led by Tyrone Rooney. Check the amazing maps of dyke swarms and ring complexes of western Ethiopia in that paper!


Between 2011 and 2015 I built the WROONA planetary geology group, the first planetary geology group in Poland, founded by the TEAM programme of FNP and the Atlab project funded by the Research Potential programme of FP7.

The WROONA group organised ESA's Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe workshop 3rd edition in Warsaw in 2014.

You may check my Deccan dyke swarm page, from the 6th International Dyke Conference Deccan field trip in 2010.

A long time ago, the New Horizons mission was still on ground.... in 2006 we organised a national workshop funded by CNES that provides a panorama of the state of French resrach in Pluto-KBO research.



What is on the banner? From left to right: the sagging Geryon Montes Hills in Valles Marineris, Mars; a basaltic dyke from the Narmada-Tapi rift, north of Ramala, India; Monks Point (Pointe des moines), Possession Island, Crozet archipelago; sunset near Amsterdam Island, Saint-Paul and Amsterdam archipelago; new road from Bahir Dar to Gelegu being built across the Ethiopian plateau.

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